How's Your Poop Life?

Ever wonder if your pooping habits are the best or not? Here are some things to consider about your bowel movements and the relationship between your poop and overall health!

In clinic, we often hear clients with gut related issues also experiencing headaches, migraines, brain fog, mood disorders, fatigue, less focus, skin irritations, eczema, often feeling sick or having lowered immune response, and more. The gut is often called the body’s “second brain” and is an important system to help regulate and signal hormones, manage nutrient absorption, and support detoxification processes.

Bowel movements can be a good tool to gauge overall gut health. Ideally having 1-3 daily bowel movements that feel easy and complete is most optimal. Here are some questions you can ask yourself or notice about your stool and overall health if you aren’t sure what your “normal” is. Remember that everyone is different and what could be “normal” for one person may not be “normal” for another.

If you regularly experience any of the below points, it might be time to reach out to a provider.

Things to notice or ask yourself:

  • Are your bowel movements small and hard?

  • Do you experience constipation?

  • Do you go days without a bowel movement then have diarrhea?

  • Does your stool contain large pieces of undigested food?

  • Do you often feel anxious or low mood?

  • Are headaches or brain fog happening consistently?

So what could support more optimal pooping? Let’s explore!

Routine Bodywork

Chiropractic adjustments can help improve gut health by improving spinal health and in turn help to regulate nervous system communication between the brain and the digestive organs. Often if patients are struggling with constipation or other digestive issues, we will incorporate some abdominal work (visceral manipulation) along with the spinal/pelvic adjustment. Abdominal work can be incredibly helpful not only for helping to stimulate the bowels to move more optimally, but to also tap into the nervous system in a powerful way. Abdominal work can be very calming to the body and help us connect to an area that is often neglected and/or shamed.  

Nervous System Support

Our nervous system controls everything, including digestive function. Some consider the gut the second brain due to the vast number of neurons in the area. Dysfunction within the gut can contribute to dysfunction in other parts of the mind and body. Supporting the nervous system can also help the body’s natural drainage and lymphatic system flow more fluidly— impacting bowel movements. Breath work can be a great tool to support your nervous system by stimulating the Vagus nerve, which can lead to a more regulated (calm or “rest and digest”) state. Notice how often you feel stressed or overstimulated and how your bowel movements were impacted that day or week.

So now what?

Every person is unique and different modalities or personal practices can support more optimal pooping. There are common digestion issues that don’t have to be your normal and are worth exploring the root cause. There’s often a reason for these issues! If you have questions about your regularity or stool consistency definitely reach out to your provider for help or you can reach out to our office for an appointment. We love helping people poop! Here’s a little bonus info below.

Foundational tips to consider for more optimal pooping: 

  • Are you hydrating? - clean water (distilled is best) and plenty of minerals 

  • Are you moving daily? – just get up and move your body frequently  

  • How is your breathing? – tap into your breath throughout the day  

  • Allow yourself time to go to the bathroom in a relaxed state (no phone) 

  • Poop posture – Squatty Potty or similar stool can be incredibly helpful